Friday, August 10, 2007

What the F!

Not sure I've shared this with you before but there is a spoof on Youtube you have to see. Just search for "David Blaine spoof". There are 2 different ones and you HAVE to watch them funniest shit ever. What the F'er! I think we are going to attempt to camp tonight and tommorow at Gregoire Lake even though it's going to be +4C at night. Jaret, Jenny, and I might all end up in the same sleeping bag by the end of it hehe. I was so happy to have JT back again. He gave me the biggest hug ever. God I love him so much. Gotta get the hugs while I'm still cool enough for him haha. Roof guy is coming over to do a quote today since we are keeping our place instead of buying it. That should cost a pretty penny. Ouch. Just read today that the average price of a home in the MAC is now over 600,000 dollars. Awesome. No. Hhahah we will spend our money elsewhere thx. God it's nice to be mortgage free. I just got paid over 3000 dollars or so and have no mortgage in sight. Life is GOOD!

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