Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Went to sixlakes again with Josh d. over the weekend. Awesome trip except for the 85km off "HARD" rain on the way home. We were soaked and freezing. But the trip was a friggin blast. I have some pics on the macbook at home of me and him gettting some pretty fat air at the sanddunes. I'm going on vacation for a week+ starting on Friday. Going to hit etown for some school shopping/jaret's bday. Dad got a new seadoo so I'm going to do some wakeboarding with her, and Jenny is coming down to for a few days. Can't wait. F work. Summer is almost over :( Life is good. Blogging isn't all that fun. I like taking pictures not writing diaries haha. Anyways...go look at my flikr pictures and leave me some good comments saying how PRO I am.


Anonymous said...

Yeah I never blog anymore LOL...I actually wrote one this morning but blogger wasn't letting me in to post it...we're coming up there this weekend for Booth's reception but we'll be back home on sunday night, not staying up there a minute longer than we have to LOL. Trevor and his wife are staying with us mon & tues, you should stop in for a beer or 3 :) Like you actually will haha, but you really should this time, we'd like to meet the missus and I haven't seen you in EONS! Bradley's got a rad new mohawk you'll likey

tomdotcom said...

jenny wont be with me in etown she has to go back..if we do go we are going to go to the waterpark or something for jts bday and do some school shopping..maybe we'll stop by on the way out..ya im a bad friend so what hahahaah