Thursday, May 24, 2007


So I've totally neglected this crappy blog. But I don't really care. Summer is here finally. F the computer. Having a rough day today. Work is swamped. Jaret took some other kids toy from school. Jaret forgot his lunch and entire backpack at home today. I'm tired and want to go home and curl up and suck my thumb hahaha. Going camping at Christina Lake a couple weeks from now. Should be a blast. Blair and Tara are coming for sure, as well as me and Jenny and Jaret. Hopefully Chris and Sheryl will go to and maybe josh or some of Jenny's friends. I am bringing my boat too so we hopefully will catch some fishies. We went and saw Tony Rock (Chris Rock's brother) at the Comedy strip in Etown over the weekend. So funny. I wish we had more comedy festivals or shows here. Still looking at buying a house. Me & Jen are probably going to buy one together. Wish me luck. So that's it for now. I might not run this blog thing anymore. I'm just not feeling it. Not saying I'm quitting. But I know for it to be interesting it has to be updated more often. Anyways..gotta work work..die


Anonymous said...

Yea Torrey told me she saw him gettin in trouble...she said the teacher was SO mean right in his face raisin her voice at him! Poor little guy...she said he looked like he almost wanted to cry...oh the joys of kids growin up....

Anonymous said...

thats alright he asked for it..i raised my voice to him to after pussyfootin around for me..there is a time to raise your voice and a time not to..that was a good time to raise it..if you raise your voice ALL the time they are bound to ignore you..gotta save it for a good time hahah..toms parenting tips 101 ;) but it works...although my dad screamed his head off 98 percent of the time and that worked pretty good too..he's just alot scarier then i am hahaha