Monday, June 4, 2007

Caterpillars are the devil

I am officially sick of Caterpillars. Even though I work at Finning and Caterpillars are the best. The live ones suck. There must have been 147 trillion of them at Gregoire Lake this weekend. Add the mosquitos to that and you have some serious bug annoyage going on. But we had a wicked time still. Jenny, Jaret, and I all caught some jack fish. We went wakeboarding/surfing, had a few beers, lounged on the beach, played some soccer, ate some hotdogs/steak, then drank a couple more beers. I posted some of the pictures on facebook lastnight as well, just in case any of the 4 people that read this wanna go look hehe. Hope everyone is enjoying the sun. Have a good week. Don't get any on ya.


michelle-my-bell said...

I agree, caterpillars are the devil! They're killing our trees. Jeff sprayed them with some stuff and then stood there for at least a half hour just watching them get weak and quiver to their death. We need more of that stuff but their is none to be had in all of McMurray. Everyone else had the same idea I guess. How long are they supposed to around for anyway? Glad you had fun camping.

Anonymous said...

I heard they turn into moths. So next we'll have a moth infestation. Maybe it'll get so bad that we'll all have to stay indoors and get a long weekend out of it? haha riiiight