Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Well, another day gone. I think I'm getting a cold. My throat is scratchy. Not cool. Me, Blair, & Brian went and played a little hockey in waterways tonight. Good times. Too many damn kids though. I think we shoulda went a little later when all the little shit kids were in bed. I wanted to fire the puck at this one little pink helmeted retard a couple times. Hahah well not really but ya he was in the freakin way all the time. My 2nd xbox 360 is now toast. Just called them tonight and I'm getting a new one again. They just don't make em like they used to. What the hell kind of quality control do they have anyways? A bunch of 7 year old viatnamese midgets? Joe and Jocelyn Levoir (who watch jaret for me before and after school) might be moving up to Timberlea like a bunch of fancy pants timberleaites so me and Jt just might get fancy too and move up there to a fancy new MODULAR home. Yay modular! Gonna try and get one with a heated garage though and pimp it out with ping pong table, darts, tv, sofas, beer fridge, pure goodness. Hmm...what else...we are going to Fernie on Feb 22nd so if anyone is reading this and is off on those days gimme a call (im in the fort mac phone book or try or someshit) and maybe we can hook up at the hill and get blasted and have a kickass notstop till you drop party extravaganza. JT started swimming lessons again and he's in level 2 at centennial pool on Monday nights. He's going to be the next Thorpedo or whatever that swimmer dude's name was hahahah. The freeze your nards off weather has passed over at least for one day, hopefully we can get out on the doodoo again (as jenna would say) this weekend and find a hill to go tobagging and snowboarding or snowskating on. Ok I typed a damn nuff now I know I'm probably boring the hell outta you. Oilers won for once tonight. Check out some more random pics I guess.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Timberlea?? Modular home?? Wha...?

You crazy. What's next a mini van?